An Au Pair in Paris

An Au Pair in Paris

Written by Alicia, age 23

The five months I spent in France were unforgettable. Though I initially struggled a little to adjust to “la vie francaise,” I quickly began to explore all of the fantastic cultural experiences that Paris has to offer and settled into a routine. On weekdays, I took French class or visited the city’s sights in the morning, and in the afternoons and evenings I cared for the children, playing with them, completing homework assignments, making their dinner, and getting them ready for bed.

I visited all of the city’s most famous museums, danced on the banks of the Seine, and made many friends from all over the world both through my French schooling experience and through my membership in the International Youth Club of Paris.

Highlights of my trip included a picnic in the Jardin de Tuillerie, an evening stroll through the park surrounding the Eiffel Tower (don’t miss the lights!), and La Fete de la Musique, an all day music extravaganza in the streets of Paris.

In addition, I traveled with my family to ski in the mountains in Val d’Isere, vistited the coastal villages of Brittany, and, in the company of friends, traveled out to the French countryside. Though my French was somewhat poor on arrival, the children I cared for helped me learn new vocabulary every day, and my experiences at France Langue and l’Alliance Francaise (two wonderful French schools in Paris) were superb.

Though the life of an au pair can sometimes be difficult (disciplining children and the like) it is full of opportunities to learn and through Au Pair Paris, it’s possible in one of the most beautiful cities on earth.
